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Mac OS


1. Fork repository to your account

2. Clone repo to local

$ git clone<your-name>/miru-web.git

3. Install rvm and nvm

(Tip: To allow nvm to automatically detect and change node versions for your project as you cd into the directory follow this)

4. Install ruby 3.2.4

$ rvm install $(cat .ruby-version)

5. Install Node 18.4.2(can be skipped if you followed the tip mentioned in (3) above)

$ nvm install $(cat .nvmrc)

6. Install Postgres

$ brew install postgresql

7. Install elasticsearch

$ brew install elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full
$ brew services start elasticsearch-full

To run elasticsearch on latest macos(ventura) please follow the below instructions

$ docker run -dp -p -e "discovery.type=single-node"

8. Install Redis

$ brew install redis

9. Setup the app

# Go to the miru-web app directory

$ bin/setup

10. Run app in local env

$ foreman start -f

11. Navigate to

To receive the emails in non-production apps.

Go to /sent_emails for accessing the emails(for /sent_emails route to work, add EMAIL_DELIVERY_METHOD='letter_opener_web' to .env)

Testing in staging environment

User Test credentials

Owner[email protected]welcome
Admin[email protected]welcome
Employee[email protected]welcome
Client[email protected]welcome