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The Button component is a versatile and reusable component that allows us to create buttons with different styles and sizes in our app. We can customize it by passing various props to suit our component needs. In this guide, we'll walk through how to use the Button component in codebase.

Importing the Button Component

To use the Button component in our app, we need to import it from our styled components. Here's how we can import it:

import { Button } from "StyledComponents";

default btn

Using the Button Component

The Button component can be used with various props to control its appearance. Here are some examples of how we can use it:

Click here

default btn

Click here

default btn

Button Component Props

NameDescriptionDefault Value
styleTo specify the style of the Button. "primary", "secondary", "ternary" primary
onClickTo specify the action to be triggered on clicking the Button. func"(e) => (void)"
sizeTo set the size of the Button. "small", "medium", "large""medium"
disabledTo set Button as disabled boolfalse
classNameTo provide external classnames to Button component. string""
fullWidthTo take the full width of parent component boolfalse
childrenTo specify the children to be rendered inside the Button string""
typeTo specify the type of Button "button", "reset", "submit" "button"