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The Switch component is an UI element that allows users to toggle between two states, typically representing an on/off or true/false choice. In this guide, we'll walk you through how to use the Switch component in codebase..

Importing the Switch Component

To use the Switch component in our app, we need to import it from our styled components. Here's how we can import it:

import { Switch } from "StyledComponents";

Using the Switch Component

The Switch component can be used with various props to control its appearance. Here are some examples of how we can use it:

const [enabled, setEnabled] = useState(false);

<Switch enabled={enabled} onChange={setEnabled} />

switch not enabled switch enabled

const [enabled, setEnabled] = useState(false);

const handleOnChange = () => {
setEnabled(prevEnabled => !prevEnabled);
// Make any api call or any extra logic you want to run on changing the toggle

<Switch enabled={enabled} onChange={handleOnChange} />

Switch Component Props

NameDescriptionDefault Value
enabledChecks whether the Switch is enabled or not bool-
onChangeTo specify the action to be triggered on changing the Switch. func-